Protocol Overview

Who should use Kyōdō?

Kyōdō is specifically designed for communities that unite professionals within the same field of expertise. While the community implements the protocol, the most significant benefits are for professionals who opt to receive their compensation through Kyōdō. Such professionals, recognizing the protocol's value, especially with its enhanced privacy features using Zero Knowledge Proofs (ZKP), are encouraged to advocate its adoption to community leaders.

Adopting the Kyōdō protocol allows a professional community to empower its members, enhancing their market position, akin to the effects seen in cooperative models, but with the added advantage of ZKP-backed privacy and security.

How does Kyōdō differ from other options?

Some protocols, like Proof-of-Talentopen in new window, aim to build an experience index based on various factors. However, Kyōdō believes that combining multiple assessment methods results in a diluted and less relevant index. Instead, Kyōdō focuses on a single, robust metric: the financial amount earned using a specific skill. This approach is further fortified by ZKP, ensuring that while professionals can prove their earnings and skills, the specifics remain confidential.

The rationale is simple: if someone earns more using a particular skill, they likely have more experience in that domain. The total money earned, tied to the required skill, offers a precise measure of expertise, all while maintaining privacy through ZKP.

The Kyōdō Protocol is fundamentally grounded on the financial amount an individual has earned while employing a specific skill.

If a person can demand a high hourly rate for his work and accumulate a significant amount in a single month, it stands to reason that they likely have more experience than an individual who can only demand a lower rate.

On the other hand, if an individual charges a lower rate for their hourly work but has put in many hours honing a specific skill, they also undoubtedly have an impressive degree of experience.

In essence, the total amount of money earned, correlated with the required skill, provides the most accurate and effective measure of an individual's experience.


To claim that a person's experience is based solely on the relationship between the hours worked in a specific skill and the compensation received is, in fact, overly simplistic.

There are undoubtedly individuals who, despite not being formally employed to work with a particular technology, for instance, are highly qualified and have extensive knowledge. A case in point is the contribution of software developers to open source projects.

While there are numerous examples of individuals possessing significant expertise without having been hired for salaried, on-demand work, the Kyōdō Protocol does not specifically target such cases. As a general rule, these individuals are not actively job hunting (mainly because they lack a conventional track record) and do not fall into the typical protocol user demographic. They are usually researchers, entrepreneurs, and creators who do not seek recognition for work done for others, and the likelihood of such individuals making use of the protocol is relatively low.

Our aim is not to address every conceivable problem in the world. Rather, our focus remains on providing an intelligent, secure and effective solution for a specific segment of professionals - typically those looking for projects and job opportunities with reputable employers.

Last Updated:
Contributors: Daniel Cukier