Frequently Asked Questions

What is Kyōdō?

The Kyōdō Protocol is a system focused on interactions between communities, employers, and professionals. The protocol provides a software framework that assists companies in hiring professionals, offers benefits and proof of experience to hired professionals, and enables a self-sustaining business model for communities.

How can I use Kyōdō?

Kyōdō can only be used if implemented within a Community. As a Community Manager, you have the option to implement the protocol in your community, regardless of the platform you are using. As a Professional or Contractor, you need to be a part of a community that employs Kyōdō.

What are the key benefits?

Kyōdō provides benefits to all participants. You can learn more about them on our benefits page.

Where will Kyōdō be launched?

Kyōdō will be launched on Avalanche and Polygon.

What are the costs to use Kyōdō?

The protocol charges a flat fee of 0.5% from the contractor. This fee is applied to all revenue generated by all contractors from all communities using the protocol. Accumulated funds are sent to the Kyōdō Treasury.

Does Kyōdō have a token?

No. Kyōdō does not have a token at this time.

When is the launch scheduled?

The Testnet is planned for Q3 2023, while the Mainnet is planned for Q1 2024.

Will there be a code audit?

Yes. Kyōdō will be audited by OpenZeppelin and CertiK.

Can I use it independently?

No, you must be a part of a Community that employs the protocol.

Can I implement it in my community?

Absolutely! You are warmly invited to begin utilizing the protocol within your community, regardless of the industry your members are involved in.

Last Updated:
Contributors: Daniel Cukier